May 29, 2012

Advice from China, in lighter vein!

Advice to Sonia from China on handling Jagan:

1. To catch the tiger's cub, one must enter the tiger's den.

2. Do not use firewood to put out a fire.

3. Going too far is as wrong as falling short.

4. One tree does not make a forest.

5. When fortune flees even gold loses its luster. When fortune returns, even iron shines bright.

6. An idol-maker does not worship the gods: he knows what stuff they are made of.

7. A hundred men scrambling to fetch a gourd by cart will accomplish less than one man holding it in his hand.

8. An arrogant and complacent leader is sure to meet with defeat.

9. It is foolish to anger the majority, nor is it wise to do simply as you please. If your deeds displease the people, then disaster will surely follow.

10. A tyrannical government is worse than a man-eating tiger.

Advice to Jagan that never came from China:

1. Even oceans may at last run dry.

2. When you have wealth, why should you strive for more?

3. All questions have two sides.

4. Much property is a trap for the stupid.

5. Those whose ways are different cannot lay plans for one another.

6. When you see a straight piece of wood, you do not want to make it into a wheel.

7. Misfortunes never come alone.

8. Do not expose money to eyes.

9. In good times, the wise man works for the state. In bad times, he looks after himself.

10. Take care of the small things.

Advice from Sonia and Jagan to China:

1. Heroes are made by the times. (Jagan)

2. Though brothers may have private feud they fight as one against the alien foe. (Jagan)

3. To give peace to the Empire and suppress rebellion, a large sword and a long spear are necessary. What use is a pen? (Sonia)

4. The views of men of wise counsel are much the same. (Both).

5. Although I am thin in appearance, the Empire is fat. (Jagan).

6. It is harder to deal with the weeds once they have spread. (Jagan)

7. There is no victory in winning a hundred battles. There is a victory in subduing your enemy without fighting at all. (Jagan).

8. When the first indications of error begin to appear in the state, Heaven sends forth ominous portents and calamities to warn men and announce the fact. (Sonia)

9. Having a son is unlucky indeed. These days it is better to have a daughter. Your daughter can be married to your neighbour. Your son will be buried under the weeds. (Sonia)

10. Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, but its the common people who suffer. (Both)

- Compiled from the Little Book of Chinese proverbs. With malice towards none.

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