January 29, 2013

A life well-lived?

Will this be one of your friend's obituary? "R.I.P.Lipa Bajaptin. Lipa had had 3179 friends on FB (including 8 family members which included her parents who live in the same house, her two kids Beta and Gamma, her ex-husband Foceton, her two younger sisters Ishta and Srishti and her grandmother who is bed-ridden)uploaded 36000 photos and 467 videos on her wall, liked 18,150 pages in her lifetime, wrote 95,000 posts on FB, generated a combo of 875,876 likes and 19,87,245 comments, tweeted 17,500 times which includes 12,345 re-tweets, has a combined network of 8.7 million connections on her Linkedin. At the time of her passing at age 47, she had four Kindles, three IPADs, two IPAD-minis, one netbook, two laptops, one I-MAC, eight sim cards and four mobile phones of various brands."

What's your story like? I hope social media is not defining the boundaries of your life?


  1. Well said in a short verse.
    Also, With two black horns, I smile satirically too.
    I hope people live carved for their purpose!


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